
Custom Flags for any Event, Business, Organisation or Individual Welcome to the Custom Flags Australia.

Based In Perth, Western Australia

The team consists of Family Brian Caroline, Children Olivia ,Joseph and also Liz (family friend) .

Since being young I have always had a interest in travelling to different countries and took a interest in the flags of the countries visited.

With a history of selling different products I settled on selling flags and banners in 2004, since then we have expended and grown the business from selling at events like Markets,Music festivals, shopping centres to now being a a online business selling direct and also wholesale.

Flags For Every Occasion Since 2004

  • Promote your business at big events that lots of people attend
  • Create another form of highly effective marketing that is mobile and versatile
  • Display your company logo in a unique and eye-catching manner
  • Show your passion for a sporting team, ideal or cause
  • Celebrate national events and commemorations such as ANZAC day and Australia Day